I will begin with my name, Devon Thomas Hill…aka “Tom”. I am 33 years old and began abusing drugs at age 15. My sobriety date is October 24th, 2018.
I grew up in Greensboro, NC, but came to Raleigh from the New Hanover County Detention Center in Wilmington, NC. I spent 4 months there before getting released to a long-term treatment center here in Raleigh. My entire adult life has been either actively using or being incarcerated. I have spent over 3 years being incarcerated, including 8 months in a North Carolina Prison for Larcenies and Possession of Stolen Goods.
I moved into Emmaus House on December 29th, 2019. Since becoming part of the Emmaus family, I have completed the terms of my probation, while remaining employed full-time. Recently, I have managed to move up to a better job, receiving better pay and benefits. I have obtained a driver’s license and now own a car. This was made possible through the partnership between Emmaus House and Wheels for Hope. Also, I applied for a passport and received it!! It may not seem like huge things to many, but for me they are triumphs…victories.
I am thankful for the safe and stable environment provided by Emmaus House. After living in various other sober-living houses throughout the years, the minimum six-month sobriety requirement of Emmaus House creates a level of stability that has been missing in the past. I have made lasting friendships, based on mutual respect and a common goal…to remain clean and sober.
It is an honor to live in Emmaus House. I am thankful for the opportunity to grow as a person, while beginning to achieve both short- and long-term goals. They say a picture is worth a thousand words…I am truly grateful!
Devon ‘Tom’ Hill